Monday, January 01, 2007

More sixes & sevens

I posted this in June '06 --->

Sixes + Sevens

There's definitely a link between the history of rock/pop music & sixes + sevens.
Rock 'n' Roll hit the streets around 1956/7. Psychedelia changed everything in 1966/7.
Punk appeared between 1976/7. The rave scene & the 2nd Summer of Love 1986-7.
BritPop & Battle of the Bands - Oasis v. Blur 1996/7.
2006? The supremacy of the Internet. MySpace etc could soon be history. 2007? The mind boggles! The Blog Minders are here.

Obviously I was being a bit flippant, especially on the Oasis / Blur thing, & the MySpace comment, knowing full well I'd have to give up & join the masses at some point.....
But the general idea seems ok to me, & here we are at the end of 2006, & the start of 2007, so it's now........or in ten years time!
I've had many questions over the years about some of the famous jazz (& rock, to a lesser degree) musicians I got to see live onstage in my younger days. I've been promising to tell the tales for so long, I figured it would be a really positive new year resolution to actually sit down & start doing it.
Likewise "The Real MCCB History" (Mass Culture Control Bureau to the non-initiated).Now the official MCCB website is stranded, & slowly sinking just off the coast of Cyberia, Aliens@C has become the main info source.
By a sheer stroke of luck, Blogspot have just introduced a new version of their Blog. Amongst other things, it enables posts to be given a label which can be accessed easily at one push of a button.
I'm going to start the jazz story from 1956, & the MCCB History from 1976 - both of these dates being relevant, as you'll find out.

So watch out for the labels "MCCB HiStory" & "JazzMan-T"

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